Classroom Schedule & Registration
Online Training - Fall 2020
Successful Grant Writing: An Introductory Overview (click here for a free webinar of this course) Get an A-Z overview of the grantwriting process and learn the core components of every grant proposal:cover letter, needs assessment, budget, methodology, and program evaluation. Develop a strategic approach to write a successful grant proposal. This is a great course for beginners who want to learn the basics about grant writing.
Proposal Writing: Constructing a Compelling Narrative Students get started writing step-by-step. This hands-on class teaches how to write succinctly and persuasively. Students are encouraged to bring a project idea to begin formulating an outline for writing an actual rough draft proposal.
Effective Communications: Pitching Your Cause Most people fear public speaking, along with death and taxes! Becoming a good communicator is something you have to WORK at and give attention to. Oprah did not become *Oprah* overnight. Rather she had been speaking in front of groups and on radio/TV for many years and from a young age. Effectively communicating is extremely important to building relationships and working productively. This class helps you learn effective ways of introduction and follow-up communications with your prospects, volunteers and all stakeholders. You need the ability to build rapport and communicate effectively with internal and external partners. This course will help you gain confidence in establishing personal contact and maintaining relationships with foundation contacts and program officers. Best practices using email, phone, in-person meetings and written correspondence are covered. The 2-minute pitch and role play are used to facilitate learning. Many students comment that Effective Communications is their favorite class!
Project Management: Applications for Grant Writing Learn how to apply project management tools and techniques to succeed at implementing programs and managing projects of any size and scope. Recognize ways to make your effort professional and competitive. Students are encouraged to bring their work in progress for interactive discussion and critique.
Program Evaluation & Measuring Impact Conducting program evaluations is critical for demonstrating program impact to various stakeholders. Learn how to plan an evaluation, design a questionnaire, select evaluation methods, and interpret data to produce a cohesive evaluation report.
Prospect Research: A Guide to Finding Nonprofit Funding This class provides the knowledge, strategies and resources necessary to find funding for various types of grants. Course covers identifying, prioritizing and creating a pipeline for potential funding sources from corporate and foundation funders.
Grant Budgeting Basics: Understanding Income and Expenses Learn how to construct the budget component for your grant application. Understand how to estimate the costs needed and determine if the grant can cover the costs. You will determine if it is feasible for your project to be accomplished.
Developing Corporate Partners: Creating a Win-Win Identify and comprehend the unique characteristics of corporate funders, the do's and don'ts in building corporate partnerships and what it takes to ultimately gaining their long-term support.
How To Apply
To enter the program, interested applicants must:
- be fluent in English (written and spoken)
- have a computer (or access to one) and an email address to receive communications from program coordinator
- have access to dropbox or google docs in order to download and print course materials/handouts and bring to class
- complete and submit VMG's Grant Writing Training Program Registration Form with payment
Schedules, Fees & Registration
Classroom Schedule & Registration
Online Training - Fall 2020
To register for the 8-course program complete and submit the VMG Grant Writing Training Program Registration Form and make payment. It's that easy! There is no application process required. Registration continues until classes are full. Walk-in registration on the day of class is not permitted. Registration must be completed by the deadline noted on the registration form. Completed registration forms can be mailed to Volunteer Management Group, faxed to 917-456-3449 or scanned and emailed to the email address on the registration form. Please email certificate (at) with questions or to confirm that your registration form and payment have been received.
Registration for Individual Courses
Students may register for Individual courses or the full 8-course certificate program.
Cancellation Policy: No Refunds
Registration is first come, first served. Space is limited. Due to space arrangements all payments are final. No refunds possible. Students having cancellations or missed classes will receive access to an online recording of the class. Cancellation policy applies to online and classroom programs.
Class Size and Course Status
Class size for the classroom is typically is 7 to 10 students, and online is typically 4 to 8 students. Please register early and before the registration deadline to avoid disappointment. Minimum enrollment must be met for a program to run. If minimum enrollment is not met, registrants will be contacted and offered a refund or the opportunity to take the training via videos on demand or in the next series.
Challenge Assignments
This is a non-credit training program. While grades will not be given, students are expected to work on "VMG Challenge Assignments" that are assigned for each course. Students should plan on spending an additional hour or two each week outside of class time to work on completing the challenge assignement. Work should be submitted to the program coordinator or instructor for feedback and critique. Instructors will only review work on a timely basis at the time the course is taught (not after you finish the series). Specific instructions for the challenge assignments will be provided after you have registered.
Attendance Requirements
Students are required to be professional and, as a courtesy to the instructor and other students, be punctual in attending class. If absence is to occur, the student is responsible for notifying VMG. Each instructor maintains and submits attendance records for each class.
Completing Your Training and Earning Your Certificate
The Grant Writing Training consists of completing the 8 courses listed above and submitting a challenge assignment for each class. "Completing" the series consists of attending and participating in all class sessions for the program and submitting your challenge assignments. Upon completion you will receive a Grant Writing Certificate of Completion issued by Volunteer Management Group. Attendance at each class is required. Partial attendance in any class does not count toward completion. Certificates will be mailed out from VMG within 2 to 4 weeks after course completion.
VMG also offers Grant Writing On-Site Training and Consulting Services. Click here for details.