Spring 2020 - Schedules, Fees & Registration ONLINE VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM
VMG's Volunteer Management Training Program offers a formalized approach to planning, implementing and maintaining a volunteer program management strategy for a volunteer programs of all types, including non-profit, educational institution, and community-based organization. Students address challenges in the field of volunteer management and learn best practices relevant to today's volunteer manager. Each course covers a key component of volunteer management and is taught by a subject matter expert who brings real-world practice to the discussion. Click here to read the course descriptions and program policies. Register for individual courses or the 8-course program.
Technology Requirements:To participate in an online webinar, you must have internet access and a functioning email account. No software purchase is required. Registrants will be emailed a URL link, login and password to access the online WebEx classroom. To hear the lecture, use your computer speakers or call in to the conference call number. Students can communicate in class discussions by using the chat feature, VOIP or telephone.
After your registration is processed by VMG you will receive an email invitation with a link to the virtual meeting space for class participation and to download lecture materials.
Training Options 8-week online Spring 2020 Session 1 and 2 options. See schedule below. Click here for upcoming classroom training. Click here for Summer 2020 online schedule
Register for individual courses or 8-course certificate program. Training includes the following
- 8 courses x 2 hours each live with instructor
- Copy of lecture slides for note-taking
- Supplemental handouts and reading material
- VMG Challenge Assignments for each class
- On-Demand video recording available after each class
- Volunteer Management Certificate issued upon completion
Payment Methods
Have Questions? Email VMG or call VMG at 917-829-8344
For on-site training or one-on-one training, submit an email with your request or call 917-829-8344.
Be productive during the lockdown, join your peers and VMG instructors for an engaging and exciting 8 weeks of online learning. Gain knowledge, network, learn best practices, share stories...we can't wait to have you in class! Register today! If you missed the first class, it's available as a recording so that you can catch up.
Tues. |
April 7, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST
Volunteer Progam Management
$35 - Add to cart
course syllabus
Tues. |
April 14, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST |
Recruitment, Training and Retention |
$35 - Add to cart |
course syllabus
Tues. |
April 21, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST |
Effective Communications |
$35 - Add to cart |
course syllabus
Tues. |
Apr. 28, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST |
Leadership, Management & HR |
$35 - Add to cart |
course syllabus
Tues. |
May 5, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST |
PR, Marketing & Social Media |
$35 - Add to cart |
course syllabus
Tues. |
May 12, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST |
Developing Corporate Partners |
$35 - Add to cart |
course syllabus
Tues. |
May 19, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST |
Program Evaluation & Measuring Impact |
$35 - Add to cart |
course syllabus
Tues. |
May 26, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST |
Volunteer Project Management |
$35 - Add to cart |
course syllabus
8-course online training program |
$250 - Add to cart |
To register, complete the registration form here and make online payments above. Individual courses $35 per course, full 8-course program $250. See registration form for additional payment methods.
Be productive during the lockdown, join your peers and VMG instructors for an engaging and exciting 8 weeks of online learning. Gain knowledge, network, learn best practices, share stories...we can't wait to have you in class! Register today! If you missed the first class, it's available as a recording so that you can catch up.
Tues. |
Apr. 28, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST |
Leadership, Management & HR |
$35 - Add to cart |
course syllabus
Tues. |
May 5, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST |
PR, Marketing & Social Media |
$35 - Add to cart |
course syllabus
Tues. |
May 12, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST |
Developing Corporate Partners |
$35 - Add to cart |
course syllabus
Tues. |
May 19, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST |
Program Evaluation & Measuring Impact |
$35 - Add to cart |
course syllabus
Tues. |
May 26, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST |
Volunteer Project Management |
$35 - Add to cart |
course syllabus
Tues. |
June 2, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST |
Volunteer Program Management |
$35 - Add to cart |
course syllabus
Tues. |
June 9, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST |
Recruitment, Training and Retention |
$35 - Add to cart |
course syllabus
Tues. |
June 16, 2020 |
6:30 - 8:30 pm EST |
Effective Communications |
$35 - Add to cart |
course syllabus
8-course online training program |
$250 - Add to cart |
To register, complete the registration form here and make online payments above. Individual courses $35 per course, full 8-course program $250. See registration form for additional payment methods.
Student Testimonial Online Volunteer Management Certificate Program
What did you gain professionally from this program? Due to working for several years with Big Brothers Big Sisters, I have professional work experience working directly with volunteers, but I have not taken any educational classes on volunteer management until now. Professionally, I think VMG helped to confirm my skills in volunteer management and gave me a good start for having an education to back up my experience. Everything that I learned in this class made a lot of sense to me and I realized quickly how much of the skills and strategies I already have. There were a lot of parallels I found from my Social Work classes as well as my professional work with a mentoring agency.
What did you gain personally from the program? I worked for Big Brothers Big Sisters for five and half years and loved my position there as a Mentoring Manager. Unfortunately, I had to make a personal decision to leave the agency for a more financially stable job and an opportunity to better my skills in Social Work; since this was the degree I had. In looking for jobs I searched for family-oriented positions, foster care, and even mentoring programs as these were the areas. I had the most experience and knowledge in. I took a position with a grant program in a foster care agency acting as a Clinician. In the year and 3 months that I have been in this position I have quickly realized how much I don’t enjoy Social Work in regards to being a Clinician or doing any sort of therapeutic work. It very well may be the population that I am working with, but this current job does not give me a sense of self-fulfillment that BBBS did. I again started thinking about my skills and what I do enjoy doing. Thinking back to my time at BBBS, one of the areas I did well in and found to be the most rewarding was the recruitment and enrollment process of the volunteers. Taking this VMG class helped to confirm that I do in fact enjoy the management part of working with volunteers and have many transferrable skills my both my Social Work background and my time at BBBS that I could pursue this career option. The VMG class gave a great overview of this specific field and captured what I now know I want to work towards.
What was your favorite class and why? I liked the class on Recruitment, Training and Retention. There was an explanation of Maslows Hierarchy of needs that I learned about in Social Work but never thought to relate it to volunteers. The break down of each hierarchy really showed how detailed volunteer management is and how much a manager has to keep in mind when working with volunteers. Thinking about recruiting and working with volunteers using the hierarchy helps to capture all aspects of an individual to give them the best volunteer experience so they will continue to volunteer. This class gave a really great breakdown of the who, what, where, when, and how of recruitment. I appreciated the conversation on the difference between generations and how recruiting a baby boomer is different than recruiting a millennial. Again, it goes to show how detailed a volunteer manager position is. The examples of where to recruit was also extremely helpful as some of them I never thought of before. This class brought me back to my position at BBBS as this was exactly what I did there. It helped again to confirm that this is a field that I want to pursue.
If a friend or colleague asked you about taking this program, what would you tell them? The VMG class works for anyone who is thinking about getting into volunteer management and for anyone already in a volunteer managements position. It gives a great overview of all aspects of what a volunteer manager is expected to do and breaks each area down with specific details. There are a lot of great examples used throughout the course and students are provided with wonderful resources to tap into to help them further their professional work.
~Mary Kate Lowe, Foster Care Clinician Berkshire Farm Center and Services for Youth, Canaan, NY Volunteer Management Certificate Graduate, March 2019
Student Testimonial Online Volunteer Management Certificate Program
What did you gain professionally from this program? I learned so much from this program! I learned a lot of things that I could get better at, or that I could start doing in general, but a lot of it was more recommendations on tweaks I could make to things that I’m already doing well but could be doing better.
What did you gain personally from the program? I feel like I gained quite a bit, personally, from this program. I learned a lot about my management style with the volunteers and how I can better not only the program, but also myself. I feel more confident in my abilities as a volunteer manager; I had always been doing what I guessed was the right things to do and I confirmed that a lot of practices I had been doing were actually good ideas.
What was your favorite class and why? I think my favorite class was Leadership Management and Human Resources (week 2). I feel like this was the class that I took away the most new knowledge from. I am excited to better my volunteer job descriptions and find better ways to make sure that all of our staff and stakeholders are appreciated our volunteers like I do.
If a friend or colleague asked you about taking this program, what would you tell them? I would highly recommend this program to any newer volunteer manager. I came into this job knowing absolutely nothing about volunteers and did a lot of OTJ training. I felt like once I was comfortable in my role was the perfect time to take this program to fine-tune my skills and make sure we improve our volunteer program however we can.
~Bailey Spitznagle, Hospitality Coordinator City of Westfiled, Indiana Volunteer Management Certificate Graduate, August 2018